Saturday, October 8, 2011

this blog

it seems that people all over the globe is somehow finding their ways to come to my blog. from random uk degree site, teeth whitening site, et cetera - i am fine with strangers coming and going. i do not care. i just want people to know that i make music (found on the link below) and this blog is where i write down my ideas and shit -

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I can't think of me without thinking of you. Vulnerable
feet; I need excuses you can't object. Frankly, I'm afraid
of the impact of your objection.
I want to.
I'll take my chance.
It'd be alright if I lose you as a friend,
when that occurs, you won't see me again.
I'll pretend that we were just some lovers.

Do you think that 'Love' is just a four lettered word
or do you take it more seriously?
Do you need to confirm yourself in front of a mirror every morn
to see if you've discovered what you didn't from the day
before? Oh, I'll just keep my mouth
tight before you walk out the door. If you do,
I won't see you again and
I'll pretend that we were just some lovers.

I've seen this in cowboy movies.
I want to live those moments,
not to sing dreadful songs about the summer,
and I want it with you.


How often men should say "I love you"

A man should say "I love you" only three times in his life time. When he is in a trouble, when he is badly ill (assuming it would lead to a probable death), and when he is (definitely) dying.

I dunno how it works with other people saying that phrase to another human being. I have never told that to another human being, not even to my mother, the woman who gave birth to me. I could see me using that phrase in about ten or fifteen years from now, when my old man or my mother or my sister is hospitalized. I would say that for their comfort (although it is debatable, seeing as I would not know how I will be feeling about my family members in the future, but I would lie in those situations).

I have been with females that I have said "you're alright" to. Translating: "I think I can stand to be around you more than I thought, I should get your number." Then, I would say "I am attracted to you," when I mean: "I can't think of me without thinking of you." Call me ol' skool, I would never say those three words to a female or anybody else (unless I was in a trouble, or ill, or dying).